Commit 4cdbfbf9 authored by Allan Stephens's avatar Allan Stephens Committed by Anas Nashif
Browse files

doc: Add descriptions for clock-related helper macros

Also fixes up Kernel Primer examples to use these macros.

Change-Id: Ib1bc9e3f85ab75f81986bc3930fb287266a886b5
Signed-off-by: default avatarAllan Stephens <>
parent c38888bc
Showing with 105 additions and 29 deletions
+105 -29
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ process data items generated by one or more producing threads.
while (1) {
rc = k_pipe_get(&my_pipe, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytes_read,
sizeof(header), 100);
sizeof(header), K_MSEC(100));
if ((rc < 0) || (bytes_read < sizeof (header))) {
/* Incomplete message header received */
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ available, and gives a warning if the mutex does not become availablee.
.. code-block:: c
if (k_mutex_lock(&my_mutex, 100) == 0) {
if (k_mutex_lock(&my_mutex, K_MSEC(100)) == 0) {
/* mutex successfully locked */
} else {
printf("Cannot lock XYZ display\n");
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ A warning is issued if the semaphore is not obtained in time.
if (k_sem_take(&my_sem, 50) != 0) {
if (k_sem_take(&my_sem, K_MSEC(50)) != 0) {
printk("Input data not available!");
} else {
/* fetch available data */
......@@ -164,17 +164,10 @@ The following kernel clock APIs are provided by :file:`kernel.h`:
* :cpp:func:`k_uptime_delta()`
* :cpp:func:`k_uptime_delta_32()`
* :cpp:func:`k_cycle_get_32()`
The following kernel clock variables are provided by :file:`kernel.h`:
The number of system clock ticks in a single second.
The number of hardware clock cycles in a single second.
The number of microseconds in a single system clock tick.
The number of hardware clock cycles in a single system clock tick.
* :c:macro:`K_NO_WAIT`
* :c:macro:`K_MSEC`
* :c:macro:`K_SECONDS`
* :c:macro:`K_MINUTES`
* :c:macro:`K_HOURS`
* :c:macro:`K_FOREVER`
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ the timer's expiry function submits a work item to the
/* start periodic timer that expires once every second */
k_timer_start(&my_timer, 1000, 1000);
k_timer_start(&my_timer, K_SECONDS(1), K_SECONDS(1));
Reading Timer Status
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ if the timer has expired on not.
/* start one shot timer that expires after 200 ms */
k_timer_start(&my_status_timer, 200, 0);
k_timer_start(&my_status_timer, K_MSEC(200), 0);
/* do work */
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ are separated by the specified time interval.
/* start one shot timer that expires after 500 ms */
k_timer_start(&my_sync_timer, 500, 0);
k_timer_start(&my_sync_timer, K_MSEC(500), 0);
/* do other work */
......@@ -46,9 +46,6 @@ extern "C" {
#define K_PRIO_PREEMPT(x) (x)
#define K_FOREVER (-1)
#define K_NO_WAIT 0
#define K_ANY NULL
#define K_END NULL
......@@ -547,18 +544,85 @@ extern void *k_thread_custom_data_get(void);
* @} end addtogroup thread_apis
#include <sys_clock.h>
* kernel timing
* @addtogroup clock_apis
* @{
#include <sys_clock.h>
* @brief Generate null timeout delay.
* This macro generates a timeout delay that that instructs a kernel API
* not to wait if the requested operation cannot be performed immediately.
* @return Timeout delay value.
#define K_NO_WAIT 0
/* Convenience helpers to convert durations into milliseconds */
* @brief Generate timeout delay from milliseconds.
* This macro generates a timeout delay that that instructs a kernel API
* to wait up to @a ms milliseconds to perform the requested operation.
* @param ms Duration in milliseconds.
* @return Timeout delay value.
#define K_MSEC(ms) (ms)
* @brief Generate timeout delay from seconds.
* This macro generates a timeout delay that that instructs a kernel API
* to wait up to @a s seconds to perform the requested operation.
* @param s Duration in seconds.
* @return Timeout delay value.
#define K_SECONDS(s) K_MSEC((s) * MSEC_PER_SEC)
* @brief Generate timeout delay from minutes.
* This macro generates a timeout delay that that instructs a kernel API
* to wait up to @a m minutes to perform the requested operation.
* @param m Duration in minutes.
* @return Timeout delay value.
#define K_MINUTES(m) K_SECONDS((m) * 60)
* @brief Generate timeout delay from hours.
* This macro generates a timeout delay that that instructs a kernel API
* to wait up to @a h hours to perform the requested operation.
* @param h Duration in hours.
* @return Timeout delay value.
#define K_HOURS(h) K_MINUTES((h) * 60)
* @brief Generate infinite timeout delay.
* This macro generates a timeout delay that that instructs a kernel API
* to wait as long as necessary to perform the requested operation.
* @return Timeout delay value.
#define K_FOREVER (-1)
* @} end addtogroup clock_apis
......@@ -794,8 +858,7 @@ extern int32_t k_timer_remaining_get(struct k_timer *timer);
* @defgroup clock_apis Kernel Clock APIs
* @ingroup kernel_apis
* @addtogroup clock_apis
* @{
......@@ -866,7 +929,7 @@ extern uint32_t k_uptime_delta_32(int64_t *reftime);
extern uint32_t k_cycle_get_32(void);
* @} end defgroup clock_apis
* @} end addtogroup clock_apis
......@@ -88,8 +88,28 @@ extern int sys_clock_hw_cycles_per_tick;
* @defgroup clock_apis Kernel Clock APIs
* @ingroup kernel_apis
* @{
* @brief Compute nanoseconds from hardware clock cycles.
* This macro converts a time duration expressed in hardware clock cycles
* to the equivalent duration expressed in nanoseconds.
* @param X Duration in hardware clock cycles.
* @return Duration in nanoseconds.
* @} end defgroup clock_apis
extern int64_t _sys_clock_tick_count;
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