Commit be0db010 authored by Allan Stephens's avatar Allan Stephens Committed by Anas Nashif
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doc: Fix up API descriptions for ring buffers

Change-Id: I82453c1fb5365d7dfe35cb1bc9eba50c71a47b17
Signed-off-by: default avatarAllan Stephens <>
parent a9cd7c04
Showing with 82 additions and 48 deletions
+82 -48
......@@ -55,13 +55,20 @@ struct ring_buf {
* @brief Declare a power-of-two sized ring buffer
* @brief Statically define and initialize a high performance ring buffer.
* Use of this macro is preferred over SYS_RING_BUF_DECLARE_SIZE() as it
* will not need to use expensive modulo operations.
* This macro establishes a ring buffer whose size must be a power of 2;
* that is, the ring buffer contains 2^pow 32-bit words, where @a pow is
* the specified ring buffer size exponent. A high performance ring buffer
* doesn't require the use of modulo arithmetic operations to maintain itself.
* @param name File-scoped name of the ring buffer to declare
* @param pow Create a buffer of 2^pow 32-bit elements
* The ring buffer can be accessed outside the module where it is defined
* using:
* @code extern struct ring_buf <name>; @endcode
* @param name Name of the ring buffer.
* @param pow Ring buffer size exponent.
#define SYS_RING_BUF_DECLARE_POW2(name, pow) \
static uint32_t _ring_buffer_data_##name[1 << (pow)]; \
......@@ -72,13 +79,18 @@ struct ring_buf {
* @brief Declare an arbitrary sized ring buffer
* @brief Statically define and initialize a standard ring buffer.
* This macro establishes a ring buffer of an arbitrary size. A standard
* ring buffer uses modulo arithmetic operations to maintain itself.
* The ring buffer can be accessed outside the module where it is defined
* using:
* A ring buffer declared in this way has more flexibility on buffer size
* but will use more expensive modulo operations to maintain itself.
* @code extern struct ring_buf <name>; @endcode
* @param name File-scoped name of the ring buffer to declare
* @param size32 Size of buffer in 32-bit elements
* @param name Name of the ring buffer.
* @param size32 Size of ring buffer (in 32-bit words).
#define SYS_RING_BUF_DECLARE_SIZE(name, size32) \
static uint32_t _ring_buffer_data_##name[size32]; \
......@@ -88,16 +100,19 @@ struct ring_buf {
* @brief Initialize a ring buffer, in cases where DECLARE_RING_BUF_STATIC
* isn't used.
* @brief Initialize a ring buffer.
* For optimal performance, use size values that are a power of 2 as they
* don't require expensive modulo operations when maintaining the buffer.
* This routine initializes a ring buffer, prior to its first use. It is only
* used for ring buffers not defined using SYS_RING_BUF_DECLARE_POW2 or
* @param buf Ring buffer to initialize
* @param size Size of the provided buffer in 32-bit chunks
* @param data Data area for the ring buffer, typically
* uint32_t data[size]
* Setting @a size to a power of 2 establishes a high performance ring buffer
* that doesn't require the use of modulo arithmetic operations to maintain
* itself.
* @param buf Address of ring buffer.
* @param size Ring buffer size (in 32-bit words).
* @param data Ring buffer data area (typically uint32_t data[size]).
static inline void sys_ring_buf_init(struct ring_buf *buf, uint32_t size,
uint32_t *data)
......@@ -117,9 +132,11 @@ static inline void sys_ring_buf_init(struct ring_buf *buf, uint32_t size,
* @brief Determine if a ring buffer is empty
* @brief Determine if a ring buffer is empty.
* @param buf Address of ring buffer.
* @return nonzero if the buffer is empty
* @return 1 if the ring buffer is empty, or 0 if not.
static inline int sys_ring_buf_is_empty(struct ring_buf *buf)
......@@ -127,10 +144,11 @@ static inline int sys_ring_buf_is_empty(struct ring_buf *buf)
* @brief Obtain available space in a ring buffer
* @brief Determine free space in a ring buffer.
* @param buf Ring buffer to examine
* @return Available space in the buffer in 32-bit chunks
* @param buf Address of ring buffer.
* @return Ring buffer free space (in 32-bit words).
static inline int sys_ring_buf_space_get(struct ring_buf *buf)
......@@ -147,36 +165,52 @@ static inline int sys_ring_buf_space_get(struct ring_buf *buf)
* @brief Place an entry into the ring buffer
* Concurrency control is not implemented, however no synchronization is needed
* between put() and get() operations as they independently work on the
* tail and head values, respectively.
* Any use-cases involving multiple producers will need to synchronize use
* of this function, by either disabling preemption or using a mutex.
* @param buf Ring buffer to insert data to
* @param type Application-specific type identifier
* @param value Integral data to include, application specific
* @param data Pointer to a buffer containing data to enqueue
* @param size32 Size of data buffer, in 32-bit chunks (not bytes)
* @return 0 on success, -EMSGSIZE if there isn't sufficient space
* @brief Write a data item to a ring buffer.
* This routine writes a data item to ring buffer @a buf. The data item
* is an array of 32-bit words (from zero to 1020 bytes in length),
* coupled with a 16-bit type identifier and an 8-bit integer value.
* @warning
* Use cases involving multiple writers to the ring buffer must prevent
* concurrent write operations, either by preventing all writers from
* being preempted or by using a mutex to govern writes to the ring buffer.
* @param buf Address of ring buffer.
* @param type Data item's type identifier (application specific).
* @param value Data item's integer value (application specific).
* @param data Address of data item.
* @param size32 Data item size (number of 32-bit words).
* @retval 0 Data item was written.
* @retval -EMSGSIZE Ring buffer has insufficient free space.
int sys_ring_buf_put(struct ring_buf *buf, uint16_t type, uint8_t value,
uint32_t *data, uint8_t size32);
* @brief Fetch data from the ring buffer
* @param buf Ring buffer to extract data from
* @param type Return storage of the retrieved event type
* @param value Return storage of the data value
* @param data Buffer to copy data into
* @param size32 Indicates the size of the data buffer. On return,
* updated with the actual amount of 32-bit chunks written to the buffer
* @return 0 on success, -EAGAIN if the ring buffer is empty, -EMSGSIZE
* if the supplied buffer is too small (size32 will be updated with
* the actual size needed)
* @brief Read a data item from a ring buffer.
* This routine reads a data item from ring buffer @a buf. The data item
* is an array of 32-bit words (up to 1020 bytes in length),
* coupled with a 16-bit type identifier and an 8-bit integer value.
* @warning
* Use cases involving multiple reads of the ring buffer must prevent
* concurrent read operations, either by preventing all readers from
* being preempted or by using a mutex to govern reads to the ring buffer.
* @param buf Address of ring buffer.
* @param type Area to store the data item's type identifier.
* @param value Area to store the data item's integer value.
* @param data Area to store the data item.
* @param size32 Size of the data item storage area (number of 32-bit chunks).
* @retval 0 Data item was fetched; @a size32 now contains the number of
* 32-bit words read into data area @a data.
* @retval -EAGAIN Ring buffer is empty.
* @retval -EMSGSIZE Data area @a data is too small; @a size32 now contains
* the number of 32-bit words needed.
int sys_ring_buf_get(struct ring_buf *buf, uint16_t *type, uint8_t *value,
uint32_t *data, uint8_t *size32);
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